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merton miller造句

"merton miller"是什么意思  
  • Merton Miller, Brickell added, " has his Nobel Prize, he has tenure.
  • One of Treynor s Chicago-trained ADL colleagues, Stephen Sobotka, sent the draft to Merton Miller.
  • Nobel Prize-winning economist Merton Miller, who criticized Christie and Schultz's work, questioned the accuracy of Stoll's research.
  • "He always expressed himself very forcefully, " recalled Merton Miller, a professor emeritus of finance at Chicago.
  • One is Nobel Prize-winning economist Merton Miller, who produced a 23-page analysis contending the pipeline isn't needed.
  • INTEREST rates in Hong Kong need not be so high, Nobel laureate and economist Merton Miller claimed on Monday.
  • University of Chicago Professor Merton Miller, the 1990 Nobel laureate in economics, will chair the CBOT-CME Joint Strategic Initiatives Committee, the exchanges said.
  • 1990 _ Harry M . Markowitz, William F . Sharpe and Merton Miller, United States, for pioneering work in the theory of financial economics.
  • 1990 : Harry M . Markowitz, William F . Sharpe and Merton Miller, United States, for pioneering work in the theory of financial economics.
  • _1990 : Harry M . Markowitz, William F . Sharpe and Merton Miller, United States, for pioneering work in the theory of financial economics.
  • It's difficult to see merton miller in a sentence. 用merton miller造句挺难的
  • Here, Scholes was a colleague with Ph . D . in 1969 with a dissertation written under the supervision of Eugene Fama and Merton Miller.
  • Merton Miller said the other day in his office at the University of Chicago, where he is professor emeritus at the graduate school of business.
  • Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Theodore Schultz, George Stigler, James Buchanan, Merton Miller, Harry Markowitz, Ronald Coase, Gary Becker, Robert Fogel, Robert Lucas, and Myron Scholes preceded him.
  • Professor Merton Miller, the 1990 Nobel laureate from the University of Chicago, will chair the CBOT-CME Joint Strategic Initiatives Committee, the exchanges said in a press release.
  • The exchanges conducted more specific negotiations for the past 18 months, said Merton Miller, a CME director and executive director of the joint strategic committee overseeing discussions.
  • 1990 : Harry M . Markowitz, William F . Sharpe and Merton Miller, all of the United States, for pioneering work in the theory of financial economics.
  • Familiar representatives of the type include Gary Becker, George Stigler, Jack Hirschleifer, Armen Alchian, Merton Miller, Milton Friedman and Ronald Coase _ five of them Nobel laureates.
  • The concept was originally added to the methodology proposed by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller for the calculation of the weighted average cost of capital of a corporation.
  • Notable contributors to the journal include Yakov Amihud, Stanley Fischer, Harry M . Markowitz, Merton Miller, Richard Roll, Stephen Ross, William F . Sharpe, and William T . Ziemba.
  • It's hard to see where the savings would occur, " said Merton Miller, winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics and a professor at the University of Chicago.
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